Saturday, September 6, 2008

MySpace is Your Space!

As many of you know, I am on the Young Adult Author Selection Committee for the ALABAMA BOOK FESTIVAL. (Didn't we have a great time last year?!) This year, we have decided to make ourselves at home on MySpace and we would love for you to stop by, add us as a friend, view the festival news and definately check out some of the authors that are already friends of the festival! You may even recognize a few!

Here's where you can find us:

Make sure you add the authors as your friends and say "hi" as well...maybe you'll be seeing some of them soon? In other words....beg them to come!

Note from Mrs. Stu: When using MySpace, always have a parent's permission, never have your full name, location or our school name posted, report any suspicious activity, and most importantly use it as a POSITIVE place where friendships can grow and you can express yourself without tearing down others. Remember, words are like toothpaste...once you squeeze it out, it is impossible to put it all back in.

Welcome Back iREADERS!

Hi All!
Well, we're off to a great start this school year and as chaos begins to settle into an establised routine, it's time to for us to start thinking about our first read of the year! I have a ton of BRAND NEW books in the libray that I need YOU, my "Teen Review Team" to tackle so stop by, pick one up and get busy reading! I need your suggestions for our club reads ASAP so we can get a line up ready. There are a few surprise author visits I have in store for you this school year, so you definately will want to keep up with the hippist, coolest, most stylish reading club to ever "hit the books!"

Oh, and in case you "forgot" over the Summer (as if!) , look what's coming soon...

Don't worry, I'll save you a ticket! ;)

~Mrs. Stu